Slender Rotala is an aquatic creeping herb
with upper branches erect. Flowering shoot grow up to 25 cm long, and are
prominently red. Leaves are linear
and deep reddish brown when submerged. The leaves above water are linear
to broadly ovate or sometimes round at the base, 0.2-1.5 cm long. Tips are
pointed or blunt and the base wedge-shaped. The bracts just below the
flowers are green or tinged with red, smaller than the leaves, rarely
larger than 4 mm. Pink flowers are borne in dense stalked spikes at the
end of branches, up to 3.5 cm long. Sepal cup is tube-like, 2.5-3 mm long,
constricted at the top, with 4 triangular sepals. Petals are 4, obovate,
somewhat longer than the sepals. Stamens are 4, with anthers not
protruding. Capsule is shorter than the sepal tube, 2-valved. Slender
Rotala is widespread in central and western India.
Flowering: October-January.
Identification credit: Satish Pardeshi
Photographed at Yeoor Hills, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Maharashtra.
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